Thursday, July 9, 2015

Pole Dancer

My mother used to drop me off at school very early on her way to work. Being the strange child I was, I actually loved that whole hour of quiet and solitude on the empty campus (with a few staff members present).

Then one day, I noticed I wasn’t the first student on campus anymore. I saw a girl dancing in the courtyard, so I came closer to take a look who it was. It was a schoolmate, Sheila. As time went by, it became an unspoken competition between us – who would be the first to arrive on campus? I got up earlier and earlier each day, determined to beat her.

But no matter how early I arrived to school, there she was -- Her long legs wrapped around the pole, dancing, and silently mocking me.

Damnnnn youuuuu, Sheila!! (shaking my fist).

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