Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Quebec forest

As a sixth grader in Montreal, Quebec, my classmates and I hiked through the woods. We came upon a grassy knoll where we had to swing on a rope from one dock to another. Lisa – with her big glasses, red pigtails, and a squeaky voice – was the last one to swing on the rope. She said:
“I am scared.”
We all egged her on. She tried, and boy did she try. While in mid-air, she let go of the rope way too early and landed under the dock. Thank goodness she was not seriously hurt. I am not one to laugh at her mishap, but there was something so endearingly cute about her – I wanted to draw this memory.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Brazil - Rio de Janeiro

One of my favorite cities to visit is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  In the heart of the Ipanema section is a street filled with shops and cafes.  I love to sketch people as they browse the stores, nibble on "sanduiches" and sip"cafezinhos."  It is one of the rare countries where I felt truly at home!

There is a Brazilian saying: "Eu sou americana, mas meu coração é brasileiro" -- which translates to "I am American but my heart is Brazilian."